Old Friends and Politics

I have discovered, as have most of you, that old friends and politics seldom make a good combination.  I found this out after having a few old friends decide to not be old friends because of our opposing political ideologies.

Recent events have caused me to think about this, in particular an upcoming high school reunion.  It has been my experience that in today’s political climate, politics are uppermost in the minds of people I know.  It becomes difficult to not have it creep into a conversation.  I must admit that I find it very difficult to understand why anyone would have a different point of view regarding politics.  After all, since I am right, they must be wrong, so it is quite simple to reconcile the difference by thinking as I do.  Is that too much to ask?

I am being a bit tongue in cheek with this.  I really try to see the other point of view, but for some reason, it is totally impossible for me to understand, if everyone just would think as I do it would be a . . . boring world.   I propose, in advance, let us all agree to not discuss politics.

What is left for us to talk about?  I guess we can discuss religion, but again, I find myself bumping my head against a wall trying to figure out why ever one else does not think as I do when it comes to matters of faith and religion.  We do after all, come from the same backgrounds.  We all when to the same schools, were indoctrinated by the same teachers, and were told to follow their beliefs.  But we don’t.  I guess religion is off the table for use in idle meaningless conversations.

We can talk about sex, always an interesting subject, if memory serves.  But again, this is 2024.  Sexuality, pronouns, beliefs, and a plethora of other things have invaded and changed our culture.  Apparently, we now are permitted to have different views with regards to the concept of sexuality.  I guess sex is off the table, unless, of course, you like it there.

That doesn’t leave much.  “Hi, how are you?  How have you been?  Nice weather we are having.  We should get together again soon”.  What, you don’t like the weather we are having.  How could you not like this beautiful weather.  what’s wrong with You?

I am confident that you may agree or disagree with what I have to say.  I am interested in what you have to say about this, so take advantage of the comment section below to share your opinion.    Until next Friday. . ..  Oh, and don’t forget to share and subscribe, if you want to.


Seee ya!

Feel free to comment, why should I have the last word.