This November there will be both a mayoral and a council election. A few weeks back I saw my first political ad for the season. It was an ad for John Cranley and the entire […]
In previous blog articles I discussed camera technology as it is being used for speed and red light enforcement and surveillance cameras. A third camera technology came on the scene several years ago and is […]
It is hard to go anywhere that you are not being video recorded. Between private camera phones, police dashboard cameras, body cameras, neighbor surveillance cameras, and private security cameras, the chances are very good that […]
Okay, I tried. I gave it a long time and really tried to like the new look of the Cincinnati Police Department Uniforms. I tried, and I failed. It is not that I do not […]
Recently there has been some controversy regarding the use of electronic surveillance by various government entities. Here locally, the Village of Elmwood place has been in the news due to their spitting contest with Judge […]
It is hard to believe that I published a blog article on August 4th, 2011 welcoming the new police Chief to Cincinnati. Now after just over 22 months I am writing another article to say […]
I find myself in a peculiar state. For some reason I am struggling for a topic to write about. This is unusual because generally I have an opinion about everything, and have no qualms about […]
It is over. The City of Cincinnati has a budget. Not necessarily a good budget. Not necessarily a structurally balanced budget, but a budget non the less. It was an interesting process to watch it […]