Recently a link to a website was circulated on Facebook that encouraged one to sign a pledge for stronger gun laws that would “keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people and save lives”. […]
As most of you know, I have not been shy when it comes to reporting information with regards to Cincinnati Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell. I have reported on his hiring, and my concerns with that […]
I have been watching with growing concern as the events have unfolded in Ferguson, Missouri and around the nation following the announcement of no indictment for Darren Wilson over the shooting of Michael Brown. You […]
I watched with morbid fascination as the violence begin and grew in a short period of time following the announcement of the findings of the Grand Jury in the death of Michael Brown. I watched […]
After my rant last Friday on “Apathy and Ignorance”, I thought I could put my soapbox away for a while. That is what I thought, but I was wrong. Let me set the scenario for […]
You want to know what I think? Not that anybody cares what I think, but what I think is that one of the biggest issues we have in our great American Society is apathy. It […]
Recently I viewed a news article regarding the civil unrest currently taking place in Ferguson, Missouri, published by KDSK in St. Louis Missouri. The topic of the article was that Ferguson could learn valuable lessons […]
Recently there was a flurry of comments on a Facebook debate regarding the merits of Asset Forfeiture, presumably both civil and criminal. Since I am very familiar with the debaters I felt compelled to […]