Recently there has been an influx of witticisms by various groups and individuals who either do, or do not, support gun control. Mostly it has been a play on words using the over used cliché […]
As you may recall, several months before the November 2013 election I conducted an experiment with social media, specifically with Facebook. I was attempting to see how responsive to a friend request current council members, […]
Big Government is invading your privacy, is seizing your lands and taking your money. Big Government, whether it be Federal, State, or Local, are constantly and consistently infringing upon the rights of Citizens and for […]
I have been watching with interest, and with growing concern, the chain of events as they unfold in Clark County, Nevada with regards to Cliven Bundy’s fight with the Federal Government. The back story is […]
I don’t know about you, but for those of us who grew up during the age of the “Cold War” find the conditions in Russia under the leadership of Putin to be frightening. Putin is […]
Call me cynical. Call me old school. You might even call me old-fashioned, but i cannot see the benefit of programs such as the H3Cincy program. There have been many programs of this sort over […]
As you are well aware, the City of Cincinnati is financially strapped. The last number I heard, and it is a moving target, is there is a 22 million dollar budget deficit that needs to […]
I am outraged by a recent court decision that ruled that a Northern California High School acted appropriately when it ordered students to wear their shirts inside out. The shirts in question sported the American […]