I Wonder (or wander)


As a retiree, I have found that a life of leisure comes with its own set of challenges. Though I have more free time, I do not possess the skills to creatively engage myself in time-consuming pursuits such as woodworking or landscape painting. Thus, I often find myself mulling over strange and idiosyncratic ideas that would make one question my sanity. While my musings may seem bizarre, I take solace in the fact that someone must entertain them; so, why not me?

I often wonder if raccoons can differentiate between one another. They all seem to look the same to me, but would the raccoons themselves be offended if they knew I thought that? Similarly, I question why the Creator gave wings to birds and insects but not to humans. What was His reasoning or intention behind this decision?

Curiosity drives me to question if insects have the ability to cough or sneeze. While bees are known to have bee’s knees, I have yet to hear of a bee’s sneeze., I have never heard of a bee sneezing. Furthermore, the age-old debate of who is smarter between dogs and cats piques my interest, is it cats or is it dogs?

I often ponder if the collective impact of every person in the world jumping at the same time would be noticeable upon landing. Additionally, what is the probability that the water I have consumed and returned to nature will somehow find its way back to my glass for a second drinking?

If a fish were to swim backward, would they suffocate? It is a peculiar question, but it intrigues me nonetheless. Another phrase that sparked my interest is when someone says “back in the day”, which day are they referring to? Is it a specific time, or are they being general?

Advertisements for over-the-counter medicines boasting natural ingredients piqued my interest. While natural ingredients could be seen as a positive endorsement, it is crucial to note that substances like cocaine and opium can also be naturally derived.

I wonder why  something is deemed as politically correct when often it has nothing to do with politics and more often than not it is not correct.

Lastly, when Google Nest advertises WiFi that is faster than fast, I always ask myself, is anything truly faster than fast? And isn’t fastest always faster than faster?

I know my thoughts might seem strange, but I am confident that I am not the only person with weird, random musings. I invite you to share your own in the comment section below, and maybe we can all come together to write that book which someday I plan to write. . Until next Friday, have a great week.

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2 thoughts on “I Wonder (or wander)

  1. It must run in the family! At the moment,I can’t think of a particular musing. I have an almost pathological curiosity about everything, though! Tom I’m really enjoying your musings!!!

  2. My mind also muses! Bill thinks I’m a nut, but this world, and all of it’s inhabitants, are so fascinating!!! 💗

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