Hidden Place

  1. While cleaning the hallway closet, I noticed a small ring inset into the closet floor which I had never noticed before.  I pulled on the ring, and it revealed a trapdoor, large enough for a human to pass through. When I pulled on the ring the trap door slowly swung open creaking from hinges not oiled in a long time.  The space below the trap door was dark and had a damp, musty smell.  There was a wooden stairway leading down into the darkness.

I obtained a flashlight, and an old cloth mask left over from the pandemic and went down the steps.  It opened into a large space consisting of dirt floors and walls.  Even with the aid of the flashlight it was difficult to see very far into the gloom.  As I walked about, I noticed the dimension of the space, which was divided into several sections, appeared to be a mirror image in size and shape of the house above.  The difference being that it was totally devoid of any modern accoutrements, such as electrical outlets.  Since this was apparently an undiscovered basement, I was surprised to note there were no electrical wiring or pipes overhead as the house, to my knowledge was built on a slab with all plumbing and wiring beneath the flooring the of the  house.  This was perplexing.

I must say I was somewhat apprehensive as I moved into the interior of the house.  One anomaly I quickly noted was that where there where windows above, none appeared below, just blank walls made of mud.  Tendrils of root protruded from the walls and occasionally startled me when one brushed my arm unexpectedly.  There were several doorways identical to doorways in the house above.  As I moved about, apprehension causing my heart to race.  Oddly, I was surprised the space was devoid of any life, or even signs of life.  There were no indications of rodents, spiders, or other creeping things.  Although there were cobwebs, there seemed to be no spider webs.  I wondered what about this space made it unfriendly to life and considered the wisdom oof proceeding further.

I did proceed, and this is where things got very strange.  I opened the door where it would have been the front door above.  Instead of looking out onto my lawn I saw only a very long hallway extending beyond the reach of my light.  As I advanced down the hallway it seems as if there was no end in sight.  For every step I moved forwarded the hallway extended itself by the same amount.  In the distance I could hear running water and what sounded like a growling sound.  I could see no reason for what was causing the sound.  I took a few more steps and was completely startled from a loud bang as the door behind me slammed shut, apparently of its own accord. Bang

And then I woke up!

As you have probably already figured out, this did not actually happen. What I am recounting is a version of a dream I have had many times over throughout my life.  The dream changes with location and placement of the hidden stairway based on where I was living when I had the dream.  But I remember having this dream many times from when I was a child, until now.  What does it all mean?  I have no idea but probably a psychologist or dream therapist would shed some light on this dream.  I have wisely decided not to seek the assistance of a professional as I believe they have the power to cause me to be confined against my will, or to be institutionalized.    I am hoping, however, by sharing this dream with you it may purge itself from my mind not to  be had again.  I can only hope.

That is all I have to say this Friday.  If you are an amateur dream therapist, please feel free to put your analysis of my dream in the comments space provided below.  So, until next Friday, have a wonderful next week, and don’t forget to share and subscribe.

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