Dear Mother Nature, I did not mean to call you a bitch. I apologize, okay? You can let up now. Several days ago, when this snowfall was only a prediction, a friend of mine said he believed it would just pass us by and be another Cincinnati area non-event. I chose to believe him and did not get out my snowshoes, lay in a bunch of firewood, nor ready the team of huskies. Shame on me. The National Weather Service (NWS)reports “record Daily Maximum Snowfall Set at Cincinnati, Ohio. A record snowfall of 8.4 inches was set at Cincinnati on 01/05/25. This breaks the old record of 6.9 inches set in 1977. “Since it is now the next day and the snow continues to fall, who knows what the final tally will be?
I have learned two things from this so far. Do not believe what my friend tells me and renew my efforts to relocate to a warmer climate. My bird feeder cam shows a large mound of snow on the perch area, so that the AI of the camera reports a person detected. I should walk out and brush the snow off to accommodate the birds, but since I did not get out my snowshoes (which I do not own) and since I left my snow boots in another decade, I do not think I want to go out there in my slipper socks. perhaps an accommodating squirrel may come along and brush away the snow, or not.
As the NWS reported, this is a record snowfall, beating the last record set in 1977. Since I am an old person, I remember that snowfall. I remember it particularly as it happened to also be “moving day”. That was the day we were moving from our newlywed apartment to our first house. We refused to allow the weather to stop our plans to move, and since our lease was up and we would risk losing our deposit if we were not out in time, the move was happening, come hell or high water or a major snowstorm. I think we lost our deposit anyway. However, it was quite an adventure driving the U-Haul over slick streets and dangerous hills. But we persisted, and the move was uneventful, other than having to brush the snow off all the furniture as it was brought from the truck into the new house.
The snowfall of ’77 was about 47 years ago. I eagerly anticipate reporting a weather event to you 47 years from now. Of course, there will not be much to report as neither I nor my wife will venture out. Since no industrious children are knocking on our door offering to shovel the snow, and I am not going to do so, I think we are housebound. My wife, preparing for the storm, purchased a new snow shovel. It was delivered by Walmart and placed leaning against the side of the house. I informed her she had failed to purchase a necessary accessory for the shovel, a person to operate the shovel. I believe it will remain leaning against the house until spring when I will put it away. Also, in preparation for this type of weather, we purchased an automobile with all-wheel drive. Sadly, there are no all-wheel drivers in the house, since it is only myself, my wife, and my two cats.
Thus ends the state of the major weather events of 2025. Hopefully, this record will stand, at least until that dear, sweet lady Mother Nature decides to ram another major storm right up… better not go there. So, until the next time I feel inspired, please enjoy this scenery of the beautiful winter wonderland. Be careful, do not slip and fall, and if you feel like shoveling snow, feel free to text me. Happy New Year!
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One thought on “The Blizzard of ‘25”
It is beautiful! But happy to have nowhere to go!!!11 inches at my house!!
Judi Bollinger
P.S. As much as I’m enjoying the pretty white snow I’m glad you admit it’s your fault when I get tired of it!! Always nice to have someone to blame!!!!