I am confused!


I am genuinely astounded and perplexed by the almost daily reports of waste, fraud, and abuse that are being uncovered by DOGE. Millions of our dollars are being squandered in truly unbelievable ways. I fail to comprehend the negative consequences of uncovering this abuse and taking action to rectify it. However, based on the negative comments I have seen so far, it appears that some individuals have been offended by these revelationws. So, perhaps someone, somewhere, can explain to me how this is detrimental, because I fail to see the harm in it. Almost daily, I am presented with new and intriguing ways in which our tax dollars are being wasted, and I am left stunned and exasperated. It is truly baffling how this has come to pass. Has no one been in charge?


It is beyond the scope of this article to make a definitive list of all the waste and fraud thus far uncovered.  If you have not been paying attention, may I suggest you pull your head out of the sand and do your own research?  I will, however, comment on a few which caused me injury to my chin when my jaw drop[ed and hit the floor. For example, I cannot even begin to understand why we taxpayers are spending $10,000,000 dollars for male circumcisms in Mozambique.  I think that may not be a good use for your money, but it seems to me that ten million dollars equates to a lot of foreskins snipped.     Even if it is, somehow, a good idea, why are we paying for it?  Maybe it should come from the tax dollars paid by the citizens of Mozambique.

Another thing that astounds me is that we are paying $47,000 for a “transgender opera” in Colombia.  I have no problem with transgender people, nor do I object to them putting on an opera.  My problem is that we are paying for them to do so.  Maybe they should charge admission at the door of the opera house, or maybe the Colombian government should be funding this effort, but truly, we as American taxpayers should not be paying for this.

The list goes on and on, and the list just keeps getting longer as each day passes. To prove my point, in case you are still on the verge of believing or not believing all this, I have thoughtfully provided this list of other government waste, Fraud and Abuse,  If you wish to peruse this list; click here.

I could go on and on, but the nausea is beginning to overwhelm me.  One thought has occurred to me, however.  For those among you who do not agree that this is a waste of taxpayers’ money, I propose that you, right now and right here, pledge to return any money that may be offered to you as reimbursement for this colossal misuse of taxpayers’ money.

I am not naïve.  I do know that there are those amongst us who. Think this is a bad idea, not based on the concept but based on the names of the individuals who are pushing this effort forward.   We have been dealing with Trump Derangement Syndrome for eight years now.  I just think the new version includes Musk Derangement Syndrome.  I am not sure what people might have against Elon Musk.  He has provided many wonderful things for us.  I suppose it’s a jealousy factor; he is the richest man in the world, and you are not. I do remain perplexed as to how this idea of eliminating government waste, fraud, andabuse was a good idea when Bill Clinton and Barack Obama had it, but when President Trump has it, it suddenly becomes a bad idea.

Feel free to comment or disagree. I’ve provided a space below for your comments, or if you open this link on Facebook, you can comment there as well. However, please be civil. Present your case; perhaps you can convince me otherwise.


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