I am offended


I’m deeply offended. I’m not easily offended, but I feel that I’ve been offended now. After over 50 years of public service, I’ve developed “thick skin.” I’ve endured insults from many people over the years, and for the most part, I didn’t take them personally. However, it seems that someone has finally managed to break through my defenses and truly offend me. Let me explain.

I expect to be insulted by people who I have upset for one reason or another.  I have upset a lot of folks over the years as I went about my duties as a public servant.  After all, if someone was doing to me what I was bound by duty to do, I would probably be inclined to be upset and, at least tempted, to hurl an insult.  But I found it simpler to just ignore the insult and get on with my life.  But this is different.

Over the years, there have been insults hurled at me, not just me, but me, along with about 50 percent of the people by individuals who should not be doing so. I am, of course, referring to Presidential Candidates and sitting Presidents.  If you wonder to whom I am referring, I will refresh your memory.  Sixteen years ago, President Obama said, “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them. . .”    In 2016, Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton referred to Donald J. Trump supporters as “a basket of deplorables”.

Finally, the most recent insults hurled by sitting President Joseph Biden when he referred to Former President Donald J. Trump’s supporters as “garbage.”  That comment, in my opinion, was the worst of all.  He is, after all, the man who pledged to ‘unify the Nation’ at his inaugural address.  An insult made to approximately 50 percent of the voters is not unifying.    All three of those mentioned herein have one thing in common: they are all members of the same political party.

To all who feel insults are a justified form of political expression, and that includes not only Presidents and hopefuls but all you keyboard warriors out there, try harder.  I guess it would be too much to ask to expect Presidents Biden, Obama, and Hillary Clinton to apologize to the nation for their comments, but wouldn’t it be nice?

That is all I have to say about that.  What am I going to do about it? Well, I just did. I expressed my opinion and hopefully insulted no one.  I may have joined their ranks in that I have probably caused about 50 percent of people to disagree with me, but the one distinguishing difference is I had my say and did not intentionally insult anyone while doing so.  Proof positive that it can be done.

That is all there is  for this Friday’s offering.  I think I may have mentioned this before, but I would appreciate it if you would consider sharing this article and, if you are so inclined, subscribing to the Townehouse Voice. 


3 thoughts on “I am offended

  1. I agree, these comments do not belong in political or personal discourse. I wonder if you would write a blog about the numerous insults spoken by former President Trump as well. Now what can I do to insult you? 🤔 Hmmm….just kidding ! I love you and love your blogs. They are always insightful and thought provoking!

Feel free to comment, why should I have the last word.