As I write this, we are two days after Election Day and the stunning results of that election. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not at all distressed by the outcome of the election. I was very worried the outcome might be different, because in the past it seems that is what happened. In 2016 I went to bed fully expecting Hillary Clinton to be the winner. The following morning, I was quite surprised to see just the opposite. Again in 2020 I went to bed expecting Donald J. Trump to achieve his second term, and again in the morning, surprised again. So, Tuesday night I went to bed seeing Donald Trump achieving a commanding early lead but still I awoke in the morning with a great deal of apprehension. I quickly checked my iPad holding my breath, but as you know, this time it was different. So, why was it different this time, what changed?
I think what changed is the people, instead of wondering what the next four years might bring, concentrated on what the last four years brought. As much as the administration tried to pretend it was not true, the facts were obvious to all that it was true. The cost of going to the gas station and the grocery store was not a figment of someone’s imagination, it was real, and it was painful for many Americans. The people are hurting, and the people had no confidence that the current administration could reverse the trend that by all indicators they had caused in the first place. Too many of the Washington elites think most of the American people are stupid and incapable of knowing what is going on. I think the American people showed them that this is not the case.
I was hopeful that since the victory was decisive, not the razor-edge thin margin that all the polls seemed to indicate it would be, that people would accept the outcome. That hope was quickly dashed to pieces. It did not take long for several people in several cities to indicate they were dissatisfied with the will of the people. I believe in peaceful protests; I know it is everyone’s right to do so. I just have a hard time figuring out why when it was clear the will of the majority had been clearly and succinctly stated. I expect soon a few people will be digging through their closets to locate and brush off their vagina hats. Let me save them some time; a Google search reveals they are readily available for purchase, vastly improved over the quickly concocted versions of 2016. But, before you don the hat and go out to march, remember that everything is recorded these days. Ask yourself if 20 years from now if you really want your grandchild asking “Grandma, is that really you, and what kind of hat are you wearing?”
It is my plea to all that we accept the will of the people. After all, that is how this great Republic is supposed to work. Let all be willing to work hard and work together to try to improve the process. We should be able to do this. We should be able to unite and work in concert with one another and not against one another. We should be able to do this because we are, after all, Americans. Can we not at least try?
I have nothing more for this week. If you are of the ilk that cannot find one thing positive to say about this election, then rejoice in the fact that the political ads are over, at least for a while, and that is a good thing. So, what is your opinion? Is the country heading back to a more civilized and stable era, or are we all well on our way to hell in a very overcrowded hand basket? Feel free to comment below. Until next Friday, USA! USA! USA!
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2 thoughts on “Okay That’s Over, What’s Next?”
I don’t share your happiness at the outcome, but that won’t surprise you. I do share your hope for a return to civility and working together as Americans. I have many apprehensions about this. I don’t think the victor is the one to make that happen,sadly. He was, after all, the first President not to accept the peaceful transfer of power. You mentioned the democratic elites thinking the voters are stupid. I don’t understand why those who voted for Trump don’t seem to think the stupid and often provably untrue things that Trump says regularly are not alarming. Nor the fact that he is a convicted felon. I do sincerely share your hope for the best ! I’d love to be surprised!!!
I didn’t expect you or many others to share my sentiments about this. I believe it’s unproductive to dwell on the past and discuss falsehoods, convictions, or other nitpicking that’s commonly done by the opposing side. However, I do think it would be more beneficial to focus on the future rather than the past. But you may be mistaken, and I may be mistaken, and only future historians will determine which of us was correct.