As I sit here this morning I have made a decision to publicly announce my addiction. I have come to the realization that I am addicted to technology. Now for those of you who know […]
I have never been known as one who tried toachieve the perfect yard. Far be it from me to deny anything that wishes to grow in my yard the opportunity to do so. I have a […]
Since last I wrote, very little has occurred that gives me fodder to write about. Neither the police chief, nor any former police chief, has done or said anything newsworthy that I am aware of. […]
Happy New Year! If you were partying last night you probably have already heard that expression more than you care to. If you were partying and imbibing to excess, I promised to keep my blog […]
You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen. They were the original eight, also known as “The Eight Tiny”. So where did Rudolph come from, and why […]
Have you ever considered how important alphabetical alignment is to our daily lives? Since we have been small children we have been lined up alphabetically. We search a list most efficiently when items are listed […]
It was a cool evening in late March. There was nothing significant that would set this day apart from any other day. I sat in my run down office sipping a bourbon, feet up on […]