Lady Liberty is Crying!

As I sit here pondering the current state of our nation, it saddens me to say that I have never seen it in such a dire state. As someone who loves and is a patriot of this country, it is becoming increasingly difficult to declare that I am proud to be an American. Instead, I often feel ashamed to identify as one.   Lady Liberty is weeping for many reasons.

The division in our country is palpable, and it is growing deeper every day. We are divided along various lines, such as political beliefs, race, gender, and more. This division is troubling, and some people have even expressed concerns that it could lead to a civil war. While the idea of Texas seceding from the union and becoming a sovereign state may be far-fetched, it is alarming that it has even been proposed. There is fear that states with differing political ideologies may soon be pitted against each other, which would be a disastrous outcome.

One of the biggest problems in our country is that we often vote for all the wrong reasons. People may vote for Vice President Harris solely based on her background or gender rather than her qualifications to lead the country. Voting on such superficial factors should not be the norm. The issue of abortion is also frequently used as a metric to determine how people might vote, which is problematic. Regardless of one’s stance on abortion, it should never be a political issue. Matters of women’s reproductive rights should only be decided by the individuals involved and their medical professionals.

What is most distressing is that the people seem to have been removed from the equation. When did it become okay to weaponize the judicial system to influence the decisions of the other two branches? When did it become acceptable for directors of law enforcement agencies to base their decisions on politics rather than the law? The fact that such discussions are being had is deeply concerning.

The recent spate of flag burning, and destruction of public monuments and property is truly appalling. While it is a testament to the freedoms that we enjoy in the United States that such actions are allowed, I cannot help but feel disheartened by the disrespect shown towards our shared history and heritage. While some may argue that these actions are a legitimate form of protest, I believe that the destruction of public property or symbols should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in order to maintain social order and respect for our democracy. It is important to remember that our nation’s past is complex and multifaceted, and that the symbols and monuments that represent it are part of an ongoing dialogue about our shared values and identity. As responsible citizens, we must respect these symbols and engage in constructive dialogue about their meaning and significance, rather than resorting to acts of destruction and violence.

As we come to the end of this article, it is important for us to acknowledge the sorrow of Lady Liberty. She is saddened by the state of affairs in this nation that was once a beacon of hope and prosperity to the world. We must not overlook how our political climate has emboldened deranged individuals to perpetrate violence against those in power. It is alarming that we focus more on the type of weapon used rather than the root of the problem, which is the accessibility of firearms in our society. If we fail to address these issues, our nation will continue to spiral into decline.

It is disheartening to see the decay around us as America struggles to regain its former glory. However, we cannot allow despair to consume us. Instead, we must come together as a nation, unified in our efforts to put the pieces back together. By recognizing and addressing the underlying issues, we can once again become a nation that creates opportunities for all, regardless of race, religion, or economic background. We owe it to ourselves and to future generations to uphold our values and restore the greatness of this nation.

Of course, these are all my opinions, and they may not necessarily align with yours. I would love to hear your thoughts, as long as they are conveyed in a civil and respectful manner. After all, the art of civil discourse seems to have been lost in recent times, which gives Lady Liberty yet another reason to weep.



5 thoughts on “Lady Liberty is Crying!

    1. It is one thing to disagree on tax rates, federal vs local control, or crime prevention methods, but many people feel that proposed new policies will destroy human rights, freedom of religion, and the rule of law. In other words, destroy our democracy as we know it. To me, the only way to avoid this danger is through open and fair elections, not storming the Capital and killing police.

  1. Well said,Tom. I personally support Kamala Harris. Why no mention of Donald Trump, since he is the other side of the coin. The assassination attempt,of course,was agregious and should be denounced by everyone! I don’t like belief by some ( not in your post) that he was spared by God to be the chosen Leader of our Nation. God gave us free will and the voters choose the President, not God.

    1. She was mentioned to illustrate the point that people should not select a candidate based on their ethnicity or gender. The point being those are not valid reasons to vote for an individual. Gender or ethnicity has no impact on the ability of the individual to perform the task.

      1. You’re right about that. It’s often been used to exclude such persons, which is equally troubling.

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