Now hear This!

Last Friday’s article was somewhat heavy and somber in nature.  This Friday, to lighten the mood I decided to relate to you about something of a recent discovery that has changed my life, a least a little bit.

Reading has always been one of my most cherished activities, but unfortunately, my age-related eye disease has made it impossible to indulge in this favorite pastime. Recently, I became aware of audiobooks, but due to financial constraints, I was unable to subscribe to the audiobook service. Fortunately, I discovered that my existing Spotify subscription includes access to audio books, so I eagerly browsed the selection and chose a novel to listen to. However, much to my dismay, after listening to several chapters, I received notification that I had used up my entire permitted listening time for the month of 15 hours. This meant that I could not finish the 22-hour book I was enjoying until the next month.

I am grateful to my intelligent and quick-witted daughter-in-law who came up with an excellent idea to solve my problem of inability to visit the physical library. She recommended that I explore the digital media services offered by the public library, which I had previously overlooked. She enlightened me that I could effortlessly access an enormous collection of digital books, movies, and TV shows from the library’s online platform at absolutely no cost. Thanks to her resourcefulness and knowledge, I can now enjoy a wide range of entertainment without leaving the comfort of my own home.

To my delight, checking out audio books from the library has been incredibly convenient and hassle-free. The borrowed audio books can be held for 21 days before being automatically returned, which eliminates the possibility of incurring any overdue fees. The variety of available books is vast, and I have already indulged in five fascinating stories while eagerly planning my future listening options. As my sister said, “I can go to the library and not have to leave home,” which is a luxurious experience that I am still marveling at.

Since I began exploring the vast world of digital literature, I have found myself completely absorbed and delighted by a plethora of captivating stories. Gone are the days of feeling bored or unfulfilled, replaced by a profound sense of fascination and wonder towards the infinite possibilities presented by this incredible resource. I am filled with a deep sense of gratefulness and appreciation for having access to an endless collection of literary masterpieces right at my fingertips, allowing me to immerse myself in wondrous tales for hours on end, all from the comfort and convenience of my own home. Looking back on my past experiences with regretful nostalgia, I can only lament on the fact that it took me this long to discover this literary treasure trove, and I cannot help but wish that I had done so sooner to avoid missing out on such an abundance of awe-inspiring literary opportunities.

And so, where I used to say “I’m off to read a book” I now say “I’m off to hear a book”, and so glad that I can.  I will be back next Friday.

4 thoughts on “Now hear This!

  1. I’m so happy for you! Reading is my favorite activity and I’m so glad you can enjoy hearing books!!! I always feel like there will never be enough time to read all the books I want to read! Enjoy 😉!!

  2. This makes me so happy to read!!! Books are such a part of my life that the thought of no books is so sad! It’s wonderful that you have this resource!! The library has become an overlooked gem these days!

  3. Tom reading is some I do six or more hours each day. Thank you for the information. I hear very little and audio books aren’t for me. We’re kind of a matched set.

  4. On the note of listening to Audiobooks, Spotify also offers Podcasts as well. I listen to some of the more educational series. Astronomy still is a favorite of mine. I recommend checking out a Podcast called “What If”. I’m sure you’d love some of the topics they cover

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