Christmas Day, 2013

Christmas, 2013I have had the good fortune to have been on this planet now for many a Christmas and I am happy to report I am still here for yet another Christmas. Christmas is, without a doubt, a magical time of the year. We all seem to become a little more tolerant, a little more loving, and a little friendlier during this time of the year. Sadly, it all will soon end and it will be back to how it was. Would it not be nice if the Christmas Spirit stayed with us all year around?

This is a very short blog article. I want to take the opportunity to say Merry Christmas to everyone and in particular to all those who are so kind and gracious to read my blog articles. I value all of you. But I feel the need to extend my thank you to all those people who are willing to give up so much to allow all the rest of us the opportunity to be home with our family on this joyful day. I want to extend my gratitude to all those who make this possible by their willingness to serve on this day so the rest of us do not have to. So, thank you to all those in Military Service around the world. Thank you to all the Police Officers, Firefighters, Nurses, Doctors, and service workers who are not home with their families today, but make it possible for all the rest of us to be with our families. Thank you, thank you, and thank you.

One more thought. Imagine what it must be like to wake up on Christmas Morning as a homeless person. Imagine what it must be like to not have family or friends, a warm home, and a hot meal. Imagine for a moment how desperate a situation this must be. If you can do anything to help these people, please do so. Everybody pleases say a prayer for them this Christmas Day.

Merry Christmas to Everyone!!

Those are my Christmas thoughts, what are yours?


4 thoughts on “Christmas Day, 2013

  1. Merry Christmas Tom! We are so fortunate in our family to have so many sources of love and caring!! I love this blog and my loving tender brother too!

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