Christmas Day – 2014

star-over-bethlehem-150x150This may very well be the shortest blog article you ever see from me. I guess that is my Christmas Gift to those who read the Townehouse Phoenix. May you have a very Merry Christmas. If you do not share my faith, then may you have a most Happy Holiday. No matter what God you may pray to, send prayers for those among us who cannot have a Merry Christmas or a Happy Holiday.

I would be remiss if i did not take this opportunity to thank all those who have given up having Christmas with their families for the benefit of all the rest.  So thank you to all who are serving in the military, all Police Officers, all Fire Fighters,  All Doctors and nurses, all who help to better mankind through their service to us.  Thank you all.

God Bless us, Everyone” – Tiny Tim


2 thoughts on “Christmas Day – 2014

Feel free to comment, why should I have the last word.