Definition of Self

RetiredIn an earlier blog post I wrote of passing milestones in my life. I have now passed yet another milestone. Friday, January 17, 2014 was my last working day with the City of Cincinnati Police Department. I have been getting up and heading to work at various assignments and various locations within the Cincinnati Police Department for the past 42 ½ years, and now it is over. I am not sure how I feel about that. I am not one of those people who chased retirement like it was the Holy Grail. I never looked forward to the day I would retire and in fact approached it with some degree of dread. I have been asked, after announcing my intentions to retire, what I am going to do. The short answer is, I do not have a clue. That somewhat bothers me as I think I am supposed to have made “retirement plans”. I did not.

Counting my time in the military, I have been a civil servant for 50 ½ years. That is all I have been, and that is all that I know. I have never held a full-time job in the private sector. I know not of that mysterious place. AS a retired person,, I am no longer sure what the definition of me is. As a full-time active duty member of the United States Navy for eight years, I was a sailor, and that defined me. As a member of the Cincinnati Police Department I was a Police Officer or Police Specialist or Police Sergeant for 25 years, and that defined me. As a member of the Cincinnati Police Department’s Information Technology group I was a Network Administrator and a Certified Novell Engineer, and that also defined me. But now that has all changed. Now nothing defines me. Is “retiree” a definition of self?

Do not get the point of this wrong. I am not whining about the lack of definition. In fact, I consider it a challenge. I am now seeking a new definition of self. Referring back to what I said earlier, I do not know what I am going to do, and therefore I do not know what the definition of me will be. I am not totally wandering aimlessly in a sea of uncertainty. I will review, revise, and begin working on the bucket list. I will pay more attention to my wife (something that I hope is not too little too late). I feel confident that with the extra time on my hands I will be putting more blog articles out there (did I hear someone moan?). I will begin immediately to begin Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, and Budgeting the rest of my life (that sounds familiar). So I am off to my new adventure as I seek to redefine myself once again.

So now my first order of business is out of the way.  I have written this retirement article.  . . .now what?  I am open to suggestions, feel free to plunge right in and help me to figure this out.  So far I have had suggestions of running, walking, learning the guitar, taking up a hobby, writing a book, and doing nothing.  All (except running) are within the realm of possibilities.

Those are my thoughts, what are yours?


9 thoughts on “Definition of Self

    1. me too!!!

      Agreed though – come to New England. You can wait until the winter is over first if you want. 🙂

  1. Well one of my suggestions was writing a book because I love to read what you write. You did not put being a grandfather in that list. Reading your retirement blog about being a civil servant for 50-1/2 years, I can only imagine how you feel. Because I am having trouble with it after 30 years. Like anything else it’s a habit and I am sure over time we will find our path. Keep writing my friend!

  2. First of all Congratulations! Unlike you ,I do look forward to the day I retire.At least 3+ years!It seems far away but I know it will go fast.Since I will have you and Karen to show me the way I will watch and learn from you!Have fun and if I come up with any good ideas I will let you know.Take care of your health and keep on blogging!

  3. Don’t forget volunteering. There are so many great causes out there – some of which you are already passionate about.

  4. The first word of the anagram PODSCORB is Planning. We all know the cliché, “mind, body, and spirit.” When I came to realization that I had a terminal disease (long after I was informed that I had a terminal disease), I worked on planning for the rest of my life and afterlife. I highly recommend it.

    As to time, I will again offer you the opportunity to continue your civil service under considerably less stressful circumstances. We desperately need a webmaster. It will help with your mind and spirit. I’d love to take you to lunch and discuss it. You got my email.

  5. Tom, I’ve thought about you frequently this week, mainly because you have retired, and I’m next up! Yours refreshed my considerations of it, and I can appreciate the dread part of it. Anyway, I’ll be lurking about, dropping by from time to time.

    Hello to Steve Kramer: I got your napkin note last night!

  6. Hello! Do you use Twitter? I’d like to follow you if that would be okay. I’m undoubtedly enjoying your blog and look forward to new posts. eaabdbdkcaek

Feel free to comment, why should I have the last word.