My Dad Graduates From Elder High School

Captain Carl A. LindMany who read this blog knew my father, retired Cincinnati Police Captain Carl A. Lind. He was an amazing man. Of course I would say that, I am his son, but there was a lot to this man that many who knew him did not know. He was a private person and spoke little of himself and would minimize his accomplishments. Until now his story was mostly unknown and untold. Those who knew him really did not. Here is the story.

He was born in Gatia, Romania. June 28, 1920. His family immigrated to the United States when he was two years old. They settled in Cincinnati, Ohio where he grew up. At around age 16, following his sophomore year at Elder High School, due to the death of his father and hard time brought on by the Great Depression, he was forced to drop out of school in order to provide for his family. He did this by signing on with the Civilian Conservation Corps. Following that, he signed on with the United States Merchant Marines. This was shortly before the United States entered into the war, but during the time when German U-boats were actively seeking and sinking U.S. merchant ships in order to disrupt supply lines between and United States and Great Britain. I do not know the exact dates but sometime around 1943 or 1944, he left the Merchant Marines and enlisted in the U.S. Army and sent to Europe. I guess, due to his experience in the Merchant Marines, he was assigned as a rescue tug boat Captain. He was honorably discharged as a Staff Sergeant from the Army at the end of World II.

In 1946, he became a member of the Cincinnati Police Department. He rose through the ranks, served in many capacities, and retired as a Police Captain in 1972. Until the 1960’s he remained a high school dropout. However, realizing the need for higher education, he obtained necessary credits and a GED to be eligible to attend College. He enrolled in the University of Cincinnati Evening College and in 1971 he earned a Bachelor’s Degree. In 1972 he retired as a sworn member of the Police Department and was immediately rehired as the Director of the Program Management Bureau. At the time and up until now, he is the only civilian to manage a Bureau in the Police Department. In 1985, he fully retired from the Police Department, and in 1989 he passed away due to complications from Non-Hodgekins Lymphoma.

Until recently, his time at Elder High School was not know to the family.  However, as the result of several family members doing genealogical research, it was discovered that he had attended Elder High, but had not graduated. My nephew contacted Elder High School and verified he had completed two years at the school. Following several exchanges between my nephew and Mr. Tom Otten, Elder High School Principal, a ceremony was arranged. On June 30th of this year, at our family reunion, Mr. Tom Otten presented to the family an Honorary Diploma from Elder High School.  Mr. Otten informed us this is only the 24th Honorary Diploma ever awarded, so I consider it quite an honor.

That is the story. I hope you have found it as interesting as I do. Of course, I am biased, this I admit.


Those are my thoughts, what are yours?


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5 thoughts on “My Dad Graduates From Elder High School

  1. Thank you Tom for writing this, I’m reading it through my tears, he was a great man, a great husband and a great father. I still miss him everyday.

  2. Great story Tom. I knew your dad and had a great deal of respect for his knowledge, integrity and work ethic. The story you detailed was inspirational and should be a source of pride for you and your family. You dad was a good man.

  3. This is a great story, Tom. Being a West High graduate, I tend to make jokes about Elder High School. But in all honesty, it is a fine school. And the school showed a lot of class in recognizing that your father’s achievements bring honor to Elder. You have every right to be proud. And your father has every right to be proud of you.

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