The Magical, Mysterious Land of Carpet: Epilogue

Magical Mysterious Land of CarpetThe reign of terror has ended. All over the kingdom people are coming out of their homes, blinking in the bright light, slowly realizing that the darkness that has overshadowed the land for so long is now dissipation g. The sun is shining,, the grass is green, people everywhere are smiling and singing, shaking hands, and clapping each other on the back. The High Sovereign and his evil minions are gone and joy has returned to the land.

Many have asked what has become of The High Sovereign and those in his court who trembled in fear, but bowed and begged for his attention. Here is what I know:

The High Sovereign: After departing the kingdom little has been heard from him since he departed his kingdom. He has been spotted a few times in public arenas, but no one noticed and no one cared. Last we heard, he was rapidly riding his high horse back and forth between the North and South Poles. He will NOT be missed!

The Doofus Stooge: he tried to maintain his hold on the illusion that he was a bona fide wizard,working with all the wizards high on the hill. He continue to fail at his attempts to perform works of wizardly and soon became a laughing-stock throughout the kingdom. The new ruler,, realizing what a misfit he was, ordered him to resume his former duties as a member of the Guards of the Land. This made him so afraid that it would be found out by all that he was not only not a wizard, but had also lost his nerve to act as a guard of the land. He chose instead to hang up his weapons belt. This required an extremely high hook as it was an extremely large weapons belt. Last that was known, it was seen wandering through six states. Among them was the state of confusion, stare of disarray, state of drunkenness, and others. Goodbye Doofus, you too will not be missed.

MC Screwdriver: MC left the kingdom and assumed a position as ruler of the Land of UCk. It is reported that he continues to make ludicrous suggestions and bad decisions. Uckland’s loss is our gain.

And so ends an era. Those of us that remain look forwarded to an era of calm, sensibility, and sanity. This will be the last installment of The Magical Mysterious Land of Carpet, unless of course, the inmates start running the asylum again.


Those are my thoughts, what are your?



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