Christmas – 2019

To my family and friends and all other readers of the Townehouse, here are a few thoughts I have had about Christmas over the past few days.  I would like to share them with all of you.  Sharing this article with you is my Christmas present to you all.  I realize this gift cost me nothing but time and some digital space, but remember, the joy is in the giving.  So, joyfully given, here are my Christmas Thoughts.

Have you ever wondered why we say Merry Christmas, yet for almost every other occasion we use the word “Happy” as in “happy birthday”,” happy New Year”, “Happy Fourth of July, and so on.  Why do we prefer that Christmas be Merry, and not Happy?  Saying Happy Christmas does have an odd ring to it but there are several other adjectives that may prove just as useful.  I would like to wish you a Joyful Christmas, or how about Have a Blessed Christmas.  I suppose we are not restricted in our greetings so we can say whatever we want.  So, from me to you, Merry, Happy, Joyful, Blessed Christmas!

I believe Christmas, above all other holidays is about family.  After all, the origin of Christmas celebrates a very family occasion with the birth of a brand-new baby to a family. I truly enjoy my family and look forward to spending time with them always, but mostly during the Christmas Season.  But I want to say that family does not mean a large gathering of people.  Some have very little family to spend time with and some have no family at all.  So, if your family consists of many people who gather during the season, or just two spouses together at Christmas Service, or even just you and a dog on your lap, be glad because that means you are loved and not alone.  Sadly, everyone does not have family.  Some are all alone, on the streets, in homeless shelters, or incarcerated.  Imagine what it must be like.  Say a prayer for those without family.  Remember the old expression, there but for the Grace of God go I.

I want to mention one more group, those who have family but cannot share the holiday with them.  I am referring to our Military who are stationed far away from home, for our first responders who are on the job keeping us safe, for the Doctors and Nurses in hospitals and emergency rooms, municipal workers, and others, far to many to mention,  whose dedication to service allows the rest of us to spend the holidays with our family.  A hearty thank you to all of them.  May you all have a Merry, Happy, Joyful, and Blessed Christmas.

Finally, I cannot close without extending my most profound wishes of joy and happiness to my Wife, my children and grandchildren both near and far, but particularly to those who I will not see during this holiday.  And of course, my siblings, my in-laws, and there families.   Did I miss anyone?


Those are my thoughts, what are yours?

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2 thoughts on “Christmas – 2019

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