Yesterday morning I receive the call I had been expecting, but was totally unprepared for when it came. My wife called to tell my our 17-year-old blond Pomeranian had died. I knew it was coming, she had grown very feeble of late. She spent most of her time sleeping, and that was how she left us,while peacefully lying on a blanket, she slipped away in her sleep. I suppose you would need to be a dog lover to appreciate the anguish I am feeling right now, and I suppose you would need to be a dog lover to understand my need to eulogize a dog. So if you are a dog lover, read on for my Eulogy To Libbi.
Libbi, an AKC registered Pomeranian was born on September 14, 1996 in Waynesville, Ohio. She was only one of a litter, but the only one that mattered to us. She was intelligent and just a little above human nonsense notions such as sit, lie down, or come. She would come when called, if she wanted to. She would lie down, if she was tired, and she would sit if it was more comfortable than standing. In other words, she was her own dog. She had a wonderful personality and she was very inquisitive, especially as a puppy. She did a very good job of training her human companions.
She was disdainful of other dogs. I do not think she believed she was one. She did not like wet feet or dirty fur. She felt running around and playing with another dog was beneath her. She did, at times, enjoy a romp in the snow. However, she was an excellent watch dog and always alert to intruders. A leaf dare not blow across the yard that she would not inform us of its pres sense. And squirrels and birds were not welcome either.
Sometimes I would get annoyed with her, but she never got annoyed back. Sometimes I would yell at her, but she never yelled back. And never, ever, would she allow her self to be intimidated by me or any other lowly human being. But, she was always glad to see me when I came home. And she was always ready to sit on my lap and allow me to pet her when I needed comfort or companionship. She loved to share a bowl of ice cream with me. In other words, she was a great friend, and I miss her.
So now she is gone. Nothing left but the memories, and the ache in my heart. I know in time it will feel better. I have been down this road before with many dogs that preceded her. I know that I will be able to look at her picture with fond memories instead of this horrible sadness. I just hope it gets here soon. As I said in the beginning, if you are not a dog lover, you probably don’t understand. But then, if you are not a dog lover, you probably do not realize what you are missing.
The one question I cannot answer is this. If God put dogs on this earth to be our faithful friends, why the disparity in life expectancies?
Goodbye Libbi, my little fury faced friend. You were a good girl, yes you were.
Sept 14th 1996 – Jan 11th 2013
10 thoughts on “Eulogy For Libbi”
I can feel the depth of Pain myself as I lost my best friend also. Take heart, Jesus promised that in heaven we shall want for nothing. That HAS to include our dear pets.
Here is a site that comforts Many Many people that loose pets they are very close to. Please read it and remember it and the site so in the future, you can send it to someone that is deeply hurting over the loss of their pet, a truer family member never was there more:
Scotty Warren
from one dog lover to another, i am sorry for your loss. i will miss the little yapper. Kane is flying his tail at half mast, however Zeke cannot.
I don’t really think she was yappy, I just think she had a lot to say.
Tom and Vicki,
My heart is breaking with yours, I tried to write this earlier but couldn’t because I know the pain you are going through and couldn’t stop crying. After having to have one cat and two dogs put down within a year, I was searching for articles on the internet on how to cope with this loss and understand how to stop the pain. One article I read said that you can expect to feel the loss just as greatly as you would a family member because they are a family member. I know only animal lovers will understand how awful and lonely it can be to lose your best friends and losing the unconditional love that your pets give you. We have been through this before but I think as we get older it is much harder because all our attention is not on our children. If either or both of you want to talk about it, remember I am here and we can all cry together. Love you both.
Thank you. I knew you would know how we are feeling. I have to keep sneaking off to other corners of the house when I am feeling overwhelmed. I don’t want my wife to know what a wuss she married. I was taught early in life that men don’t cry.
You are not a wuss, if you don’t cry, you probably never loved.
If I did not love it would not hurt as much as ut does. I cry privately.
If I were king of the world I would declare January 11 as Libbi Day. I am not the king but I do hereby proclaim from this point forward ahat 1-11 is Libbi. The good news is, it is an easy date to remember.
Im so sorry man. She will be missed