Teachers With Guns – The Sequel

Keep Our Children SafeSchool should be a safe place.  Children should not be afraid to go to school, and we should not be afraid to send our children to school.  Last week’s Blog Post, Teachers With Guns seems to have stirred a few emotions.  The point of the article was to comment on our need for improved security in our schools.  Several items were offered as a method of improving security but it seems what most saw was the idea of teachers carrying guns.  Of course, the title of the article may have drawn their focus to this concept but the other ideas were mostly ignored.  Although the idea of teachers with guns was debated in the comments section, I feel further   discussion is warranted.  The debate centered on whether is was better to arm the teachers or better to outlaw guns.  Probably we should do both, but let us discuss it further.

Several objections were given as to why teachers should not be armed.  Among them was a concern that teacher armed with a weapon would frighten the children.  Having known a lot of children in my life, and having actually been one for a while, I think most children would think it was pretty cool.  During my years as a police officer I encountered children on a regular basis.  Their attention was always drawn to my sidearm and I was asked many questions about it, but never do I recall any of them appearing frightened by the site of my pistol.  Not only do I think it would not frighten the children, I think that in very short order it would become common place and go unnoticed.  Of course, there is an assumption the gun would be visible.  The gun could be carried concealed and therefore out of sight, out of mind.

Another concern was the security of the weapon.  I would not expect the teacher to enter the classroom, greet the children, place the handgun on the desk and turn to the blackboard, all the while little Johnny is stealthily sneaking forward in a covert attempt to gain control of the weapon.  The gun should always be under the full control of the teacher and if at times circumstances prevent the teacher from having the gun on their person, for a nominal fee gun safes could be installed in each classroom.  I carried a concealed weapon for many years and I know from experience that it is not that difficult to carry or to conceal.  I think this concern is a non issue.

One final point, the discussion of arming our teachers versus outlawing guns.  Both are a good idea and we should do both.  Teachers can be tr trained and armed with  much greater expediency that we can  expect our legislators to pass laws regarding outlawing various types of weapons and ammunition.  They will endlessly debate the size of the magazine, the caliber of the ammunition, automatic versus semi-automatic, who can buy and what they can buy ad infinitum.  Incidents like Sandy Hook illustrate the immediacy of the situation, we cannot afford to wait on the legislatures.   Of course there is the age-old argument that outlawing guns does not take the guns away from outlaws.  As tired and worn-out as the cliche is, it is still true. Illegal drugs are still sold each day.  Illegal guns are sold everyday.  Addition to the list of weapons that are illegal will only add to the inventory of the illegal gun dealer.  The only thing definite about making guns illegal is that it will make guns illegal.  Nothing more.  Making them illegal will not make them go away!

If we arm our teachers and save a child’s life, it is worth it.  If we arm our teachers and discourage one person from entering a school and massacring children, it is worth it.  Let us arm them, let us make it well known that they are armed, and if some misguided individual chooses to commit “suicide by teacher” so be it. We owe it to our children to provide them this security.  If we won’t protect them, who will?


Those are my thoughts, what are yours?

13 thoughts on “Teachers With Guns – The Sequel

  1. And, let us not forget how effective it is to ban things in this country. Hell, prohibition did wonders to lower crime and alcohol consumption. The war on drugs is doing just as good a job.

    I am pretty sure outlawing guns will decrease, rather than increase, crime.

  2. Outlawing guns is ludicrous, unconstitutional, and dangerous to this country. Our constitution has the right to bear arms in it to protect us, the people, from bad government, as well as militia to repel invasion. Allowing teachers to actually have weapons on their person during class time is NOT NECESSWARY. BUT– Weapons strategically placed throughout a school in safes, and a number of teachers and other school officials well trained in how to use them and how neutralize a situation such as what has occured, is not only necessary, but sensible.
    As Mark told me on an occasion, what if he walks into my classroom first. Answer, should that occur, even if you were armed, you would not have a chance to even draw the weapon. The idea is to hold down the rest of the deaths that occurs while some loco guy empties an AK-47 into kids, then calmly reloads and does it some more. It’s about holding down the numbers of killings, as there is no way to totally prevent death in this kind of scenario.

    1. What if he came into your class room, and hou were armed and you got off the first shot? That could alter the outcome. Unarmed, there is no chance. Nothing is 100%, but we can at least have a change to alter the outcome if we are prepared.

      1. Tom, If he came into anyone’s class room, do YOU and you have training, think you could pull and fire a meaningful shot while he fires a fully automated weapon at you from less than 15 feet. The true scenario is that the first class room he enters is probably a no win situation for the good guys. The object is stop him from doing further damage by going to other classrooms and unloading his weapon over and over again. I know I could do a head shot at the range that would be in a class room. Especially if I was partially concealed behind the entry door frame and had a few seconds to steady my aim. I say head shot, because the perp may well be wearing body armor.

        1. A hugh advantage is that of perception. If it is well publicized that the teachers are armed and trained, that there are moving patrols of armed individuals, and that death to the intruder is likely, then that perception will help to maintain security. It seems less likely that an armed assailant is going to enter a school when the odds are stacked against them. We may not get to 100% but we can get a lot closer. To say we will not do this just because it is not a 100% guarantee of success is not a good reason to not do it. We must try.

          1. Tom- I think so far, all the perps have had a suicide wish from the get go. They are NOT mentally right. Might need to look at all the drugs, like Ritalin, etc. that they are giving kids like pez. I guess you know, that if, as a youngster, you have taken Ritalin, or any of the like drugs, you CANNOT serve in the military. They know that those drugs have have mind altering effects that show as they mature. So, advertising that the school is armed might deter a sane person, it won’t do anything to deter those that have a suicide wish going in. Better, the country turn it’s attention to mental health which has always been neglected, and even more so now.

  3. To be honest, I don’t think anything that will actually be done will help much. In an ideal world, nuts and criminals wouldn’t have access to high efficiency killing machines. But with the politics of this country, our restrictions, if any, would probably be weak. Trained armed guards might help in some cases, but there have been times when that didn’t make any difference. Teachers with guns could be a total disaster. Hope I’m wrong about all of it.

  4. I agree with teachers having guns after being trained to a high degree. The idea that the children would be afraid of the guns is highly unlikely. I hope that the child would actually never have to see the gun. I grew up with several policeman in our family, including my father and brother. I was afraid of the gun my dad had but more afraid of what would happen if I ever touched his gun. He kept it in a locked drawer all the time. I think that the issue is that parents would be more afraid of the teacher carrying the gun than the child seeing the gun.I don’t usually agree with the NRA but when they said that we protect everyone of importance but what is most important to us, our children I have to agree. As far as outlawing guns, I think that will be an impossible task even though I don’t think our forefathers expected us to carry assult rifles or use guns for anything but hunting and protection. I’m sure I probably walk by people everyday with a concealed gun, notnecessarily bad guys but good guys too. There are cameras everywhere watching for terrorists and smugglers, etc. Let’s have teachers protect our childrens’ bodies along with their minds.

  5. Tom: No. I think we should try our hardest to limit the excess of guns that contribute to our violent society. I’ve see two guys on TV in the last two weeks that said we need guns to protect us from the GOVERNMENT. I’m sorry, that’s just crazy.

    I’ll never quit putting out my point of view. I was just saying, practically speaking, I don’t think much will really change.

Feel free to comment, why should I have the last word.